Saturday, July 02, 2005

test time

my quizies
Take the quiz: "What"Dousojin Lin" Race are you?"

Image hosted by Photobucket.comA nekojin! Very different indeed! and not to mention cute! You are one cuddly creature...can i pet you? XP

Take the quiz: "What"NQH" race should you be?"

You're a Cherubim!ImageYou a very knowledgable and helpful person and you only lie to protect yourself and those you love from certain death of from harm. You do tend to be moody, having a little person complex. You get very defensive and hot-headed, but people still love you because you are the best friend they could ever ask for. Protective and dedicated, you are the true hero.

other quizies

What type of girl are you?

WOW!!! You are the Genius Blonde!! Very rare. You should be proud, you make us blondes look good!! People like you prove that the stereotype that blondes are dumb is false! Thank you!

^.~ hell yeah!
Justice- with you is all that is fair and true in the hearts of men.
The Seven Heavenly Virtues

Seven Deadly Sins
only with husband ^.~


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